Dewberry Farm

Texas Size Fun For The Whole Family!
With acres and acres of fun at Dewberry Farm! 50+ attractions! Lotsa eating spots with good grub — seasonal live entertainment and music on KDEW radio. In the Fall: 8 acres of cornfield maze, and heaps of pumpkins. Come back again for Christmas trees and the magical Trail of Lights! Just west of Katy in metro Houston’s back yard!
Pumpkin Patch
A hayride to the pumpkin fields has been a family favorite Fall season activity since the day Dewberry Farm opened! We have several acres of pumpkins just waiting for a home. Our pumpkins come in several varieties, colors and sizes. And if you don’t want to pick up pumpkins from the fields, you can purchase them in the Pumpkin Barn.
Get Lost in the Corn Maze!
We have an old family tradition (well, it’s 18 years old this year!) that starts in late summer every year with an 8-acre field of corn at Dewberry Farm. We think up a wild design to carve in the corn … and then we hop on our tractors forthwith! When it’s all said ‘n done, we’ve got an amazing labyrinth in the corn field! Miles of trails for you to get lost in! Right turns, wrong turns and U-turns, until you find your way out!